Poster Presentations 


The 6th International Comprehensive Cleft Care Workshop invites proposals for poster presentations for its 2023 meeting to be held October 10-13, at the Hyatt Regency Tower, in Barcelona, Spain.

Physical posters will be on display throughout the conference, providing a rich source of information and engagement. We have allocated dedicated time slots in the meeting schedule for presenters to discuss their research and programs. Attendees can use this one-on-one time with presenters to learn more and ask questions.

Date: July 31st, 2023

Please note that Poster Sessions do not include a virtual presentation option. All presenters must register for and physically attend the conference in Barcelona.

Submission Requirements:

1.    The official language of the workshop is English. Hence, all submissions must be in English.

2.    Clearly state the Title of your poster.

3.    Include an Abstract (up to 500 words) of the poster and project. Your abstract should cover its purpose and relevance to comprehensive cleft care.

4.    Given that posters are primarily a visual and interactive medium, your proposal should describe how your poster will visually convey information and how you plan to engage visitors.

5.    Email your submissions to no later than Date: July 31st, 2023

All applicants will receive notification regarding the acceptance of their submissions by August 31, 2023. Poster Submission Guidelines will be shared with accepted applicants to ensure your poster meets all necessary criteria for the Poster Sessions.



Poster Submissions Closed

Opportunity to Share Cleft-Related Research with an International Audience

Global Smile Foundation is proud to announce a Call for Posters to be presented during the 6th International Comprehensive Cleft Care Workshop (CCCW) in Barcelona, Spain this fall. (October 10-13, 2023)

With 400 attendees expected and a faculty roster of the world leaders in the cleft and craniofacial fields, the CCCW is a valuable opportunity to interact with cleft providers and discuss your research.

Physical posters will be available to view throughout the conference with dedicated time blocks in the meeting schedule allocated for presenters to be available for discussion. Attendees can use this one-on-one time with presenters to learn more and ask questions.

A copy of Interdisciplinary Cleft Care: Global Perspectives (a $299.99 value) will be awarded to the Best Poster. (Many authors who contributed to this book will be at the conference.)

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